
LAS文件是二进制格式,其标准格式由美国摄影测量与遥感学会(ASPRS)的 LiDAR 专业委员会进行发布,最新的版本为 2019 年 7 月发布的 LAS 1.4 - R15。LAS1.4 版本的文件结构可分为 4 部分,包括公共头文件区、变长记录区、点数据记录区和扩展变长记录区。下面简要介绍LAS文件各部分编码格式。


公共头文件区记载数据点的数量、格式、数据范围、变长记录区数量、点云数据真实坐标的 X、Y、Z方向的比例因子和偏移量等 LAS 文件的基本信息,所有项目需填写数据,若无数据则置零。下表为 LAS 1.0 - 1.4 R15公共头文件区的对比。

Item LAS 1.0 LAS 1.1 LAS 1.2 LAS 1.3 R11 LAS 1.4 R15 Format Size
File Signature (“LASF”) char[4] 4 bytes
File Source ID 保留字节,置零 unsigned short 2 bytes
Global Encoding 保留字节,置零 保留字节,置零 unsigned short 2 bytes
Project ID - GUID Data 1 unsigned long 4 bytes
Project ID - GUID Data 2 unsigned short 2 bytes
Project ID - GUID Data 3 unsigned short 2 bytes
Project ID - GUID Data 4 unsigned char[8] 8 bytes
Version Major unsigned char 1 byte
Version Minor unsigned char 1 byte
System Identifier char[32] 32 bytes
Generating Software char[32] 32 bytes
File Creation Day of Year unsigned short 2 bytes
File Creation Year unsigned short 2 bytes
Header Size unsigned short 2 bytes
Offset to Point Data unsigned long 4 bytes
Number of Variable Length Records unsigned long 4 bytes
Point Data Record Format unsigned char 1 byte
Point Data Record Length unsigned short 2 bytes
Legacy Number of Point Records unsigned long 4 bytes
Legacy Number of Point by Return unsigned long[5] 20 bytes
X Scale Factor double 8 bytes
Y Scale Factor double 8 bytes
Z Scale Factor double 8 bytes
X Offset double 8 bytes
Y Offset double 8 bytes
Z Offset double 8 bytes
Max X double 8 bytes
Min X double 8 bytes
Max Y double 8 bytes
Min Y double 8 bytes
Max Z double 8 bytes
Min Z double 8 bytes
Start of Waveform Data Packet Record unsigned long long 8 bytes
Start of First Extended Variable Length Record unsigned long long 8 bytes
Number of Extended Variable Length Records unsigned long 4 bytes
Number of Point Records unsigned long long 8 bytes
Number of Points by Return unsigned long long[15] 120 bytes


点数据记录区位于变长记录区之后,主要用于存储点云数据,包括每个激光点的三维坐标信息、回波强度信息等相关属性,是 LAS 文件的核心。在 LAS 1.4 版本中,有 11 种点数据类型。点数据类型在公共头文件区中已经指定,每个 LAS 文件只有 1 种点数据类型。LAS 1.0 - 1.3 仅包含 0 - 5 共 6 种点数据类型,LAS 1.4 R15 包含 0 - 10 共11 种点数据类型。下表为 0 - 10 点数据类型的对比。

Item 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Format Size
X long 4 bytes
Y long 4 bytes
Z long 4 bytes
Intensity unsigned short 2 bytes
Return Number 3 bits (bits 0-2) 3 bits
Return Number 4 bits (bits 0-3) 4 bits
Number of Returns (Given Pulse) 3 bits (bits 3-5) 3 bits
Number of Returns (Given Pulse) 4 bits (bits 4-7) 4 bits
Classification Flags 4 bits (bits 0-3) 4 bits
Scanner Channel 2 bits (bits 4-5) 2 bits
Scan Direction Flag 1 bit (bit 6) 1 bit
Edge of Flight Line 1 bit (bit 7) 1 bit
Classification unsigned char 1 byte
Scan Angle Rank (-90 to +90) – Left Side signed char 1 byte
User Data unsigned char 1 byte
Scan Angle short 2 bytes
Point Source ID unsigned short 2 bytes
GPS Time double 8 bytes
Red unsigned short 2 bytes
Green unsigned short 2 bytes
Blue unsigned short 2 bytes
Wave Packet Descriptor Index unsigned char 1 byte
Byte Offset to Waveform Data unsigned long long 8 bytes
Waveform Packet Size in Bytes unsigned long 4 bytes
Return Point Waveform Location float 4 bytes
Parametric dx float 4 bytes
Parametric dy float 4 bytes
Parametric dz float 4 bytes
NIR unsigned short 2 bytes

下表为 LAS 1.0 - 1.4 R15 可以使用的点数据类型。

版本 点数据类型
LAS 1.0、1.1、1.2、1.3 R11 0、1、2、3、4、5
LAS 1.4 R15 0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10

下表为 0 - 10 点数据类型的最小尺寸。

类型 最小尺寸 类型 最小尺寸 类型 最小尺寸
0 20 bytes 4 57 bytes 8 38 bytes
1 28 bytes 5 63 bytes 9 59 bytes
2 26 bytes 6 30 bytes 10 67 bytes
3 34 bytes 7 36 bytes
